The Self Esteem Series #1: Using affirmations to build self esteem

I know they can be a little cringey but affirmations can be powerful tools to help build self esteem.  Done well, they can shift negative self talk, enhance motivation and encourage positive behaviour (and thought pattern) changes.  They can help to shift subconscious patterns replace them with a kinder, more flexible approach which boosts self identity and self esteem. So what’s an affirmation? An affirmation is a positive statement, aimed at changing the way we think and [...]

2024-09-17T09:57:21+00:0030 August 2024|Categories: Stress, Stress and Anxiety|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The Self Esteem Series #1: Using affirmations to build self esteem

Holiday Guilt & Stress: take a break; ditch the guilt

I'm not the only who's got holiday plans at the moment - it's a regular conversation with my clients.  But what is interesting is how often there's holiday guilt when it comes to taking a break.  And how frequently I see this pattern: trying to put taking a break off as long as poss getting exhausted and approaching burnout collapsing into the hol and either getting ill or feeling so wired it takes days to wind down packing the [...]

2024-08-29T15:16:29+00:0011 July 2024|Categories: Stress, Stress and Anxiety|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Holiday Guilt & Stress: take a break; ditch the guilt